What is normal/high temp for ear thermometer? | Mumsnet (2024)

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23 replies

Bicnod · 13/03/2020 18:26

I've tried googling but can't find anything definitive and I've lost our instructions.

We've got a Braun thermoscan.


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BecauseReasons · 13/03/2020 18:27

For coronavirus, high is above 37.8 I believe.

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Bicnod · 13/03/2020 18:37

I know, but if that oral or aural as they're different?!

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Hoggleludo · 13/03/2020 18:38

That is the ear

Forehead and recital will be 0.5 degrees higher. And lower respectively

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Hoggleludo · 13/03/2020 18:38

Other way round. Recital will be higher.

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Hoggleludo · 13/03/2020 18:40

Fever is defined as anything above 38...

But we usually say above 37.2

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OhLookHeKickedTheBall · 13/03/2020 18:41

I've been wondering for ages what the difference was between a temperature and a fever - because it's been clear they're different! If coronavirus has done something it's that it's now been said publicly by medical officers that a temperature is 37.8 (in ear).

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Selfsettling3 · 13/03/2020 18:41

Normal is 37

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What is normal/high temp for ear thermometer? | Mumsnet (1)

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OhLookHeKickedTheBall · 13/03/2020 18:42

Btw, I have a general low body temperature when fine so anything over 37 has me feeling rotten! But I appreciate the 'official' guidance

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Nekoness · 13/03/2020 18:43

It also depends on your body. If I have a temperature of 37.1, I feel feverish. I’ve even gotten chills, shivers, whole works and still had less than 38. Whereas DH feel absolutely fine until his temp hits over 38. I feel “crippled” by a fever at 39 but he can still hobble around with that temp and only feels bedbound at 40

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Bicnod · 13/03/2020 18:43

So 37.8 in ear = self isolate?

Is that definite?

I had it in my head that ear thermometer readings are usually lower? What is normal/high temp for ear thermometer? | Mumsnet (2)

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Bicnod · 13/03/2020 18:44

So what is a normal adult ear thermometer temperature and a normal child ear thermometer temperature?

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Ofalus · 13/03/2020 18:48

An adult in hospital, would score zero on an obs chart with a temp of 36.1 to 38.0 So anything above or below that is considered abnormal.

Temps of 37.8 plus are sometimes called "low grade pyrexia", so a bit high but not a full on temp.

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HelpFlattenTheCurve · 13/03/2020 18:55

It depends on the specific model. I had the same question and managed to find it on Google, with a photo. It also depends if you are using it correctly. After Googling I realised I had been using mine incorrectly.

Have you tried going onto images.google.com and googling "braun thermoscan thermometer instructions" ? When I do that I get photos of lots of different models, and then once you have the model you can probably google (for example) "Braun thermoscan 4000 instructions" and get them. That's how I found mine.

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BecauseReasons · 13/03/2020 22:47

The guy on the BBC press conference said 37.8 or higher= self isolate for seven days.

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BecauseReasons · 13/03/2020 22:54

So 37.8 in ear = self isolate?


Is that definite?



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snappycamper · 13/03/2020 22:55


What is normal/high temp for ear thermometer? | Mumsnet (3)

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Sunshinelollipops1 · 13/03/2020 22:57

Chief Medical Officer - temp 37.8 degrees or over means self isolate for 7 days

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Lougle · 13/03/2020 22:57

Ear thermometers are used in my local ICU and they would do blood cultures, etc., at 38°c. So yes, 37.8°c in the ear would be high enough to self- isolate.

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BovrilonToast · 13/03/2020 22:59

My normal body temp is 35.6. I’ve have four surgeries and each time the nurse taking my obs has commented that my body temp is very low. I have a fever at 36.6 ish...

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OneTimePrepper · 13/03/2020 23:00

Normal varies from person to person. My normal is 36.5 but it can range from around 36.4 to 37.2. The important thing is take lots of readings when you are well so you know what your own normal is.

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Blueuggboots · 13/03/2020 23:10

Recital? Do you mean RECTAL?

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ifonly4 · 13/03/2020 23:18

We have an ear thermometer which we've never used, so tested it last week. My temperature was 37.8. Didn't realise that was considered high. Guess I haven't had/got it as I feel really well right now with my improved diet and exercise to boost my immune system

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Bicnod · 14/03/2020 08:19

Thanks everyone.

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What is normal/high temp for ear thermometer? | Mumsnet (2024)
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